
The objectives of the Bureau of Products and Standards (BPS) according to its Terms of Reference (ToR) are: 

  • to keep track of the strict observance of adopted geodetic standards, standardized units, fundamental physical constants, resolutions and conventions in the generation of the products issued by the geodetic community, including the regular control of data sets released by the geodetic services;
  • to review, examine and evaluate all standards, constants, resolutions and conventions adopted by the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) or its components and recommend their use or propose the necessary updates;
  • to identify gaps and deficiencies in standards and conventions and to initiate steps to close them;
  • to propose the adoption of new standards and conventions in need;
  • to propagate standards and conventions to the wider scientific community and promote their use.

To fulfil these objectives the BPS works closely together with experts in the field and maintains regular contact and establish a strong interface with all the IAG Services and Commissions and international bodies involved in the adoption of standards, resolutions, and conventions.